Who has hacked Sony Pictures? A site responds... by humor

The Korea of the North, Russian hackers, former employees wanting revenge... A spoof site mocks various assumptions that flourished after the hacking of Sony Pictures. And their exploitation by security companies.

But who hacked Sony Pictures? As explained a few days ago, the thesis defended by USA authorities - that of "central involvement" of North Korea - is not consensus; independent investigators (like Norse or Taia Global company that led a linguistic analysis of the messages of the hackers) concluding the involvement of other actors.

The site Sony.attributed.to does not lack to make fun of these multiple hypotheses. This site built for the occasion, assign randomly piracy of Hollywood studios to an Armenian group, a system administrator from Sony, a Sony employee located in North Korea or in China (both versions exist), to a staff of financial officer of the group in Brazil, in a cyber-criminal organisation Syrian, to hackers Americans to the hacktivistsetc. Simply reload the page to be eligible for a new hypothesis (most often quite plausible, basic data from information collected on the hackings in 95 countries).

Speak loudly and win the followers

If the site is obviously a joke, he parodies cleverly (with IP tracking, map, indicators of compromise, timeline of events...) communications from security companies, who extensively use their research in safety on such events to make advertising. "The most important is to have a strong opinion and to express it quickly publicly in order to gain recognition and to subscribers on Twitter", bringing the three authors of this joke, among them one of co-authors of the Data Driven Security blog, Bob Rudis.

The parody site private also not cite these companies that make their honey from these attacks. The initiative also allows to recall how the attribution of a computer hacking is difficult, collected clues often pointing in multiple directions due to the false leads that leave behind the attackers to hide their origin.

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