Sony presents his alternative to the Google Glass

The giant Japanese electronics Sony drew a display module connected and deported adapting to any type of sunglasses. Baptized SmartEyeglass Attach, can be operated in combination with a smartphone.

Those who aren't fans of the look of the Google Glass can turn to Sony who presented a detachable module equipped with an OLED screen to transform any pair of connected glasses eyeglasses. The prototype presented by the Japanese electronics giant, named SmartEyeglass Attach, closer however to the look of the Google Glass as its SmartEyesglasses presented last September.

The Sony device consists of a 0.23 inch OLED screen that weighs no more 40 grams and a control panel containing a processor, a hub of sensors as well as Bluetooth and WiFi modules. A compass, an accelerator, as well as a touch sensor to select content to be displayed are also present. 

The screen resolution is 640 x 400 pixels, which is a bit better than the 640 x 360 pixels of the Google Glass. The module has on the other hand, for the moment, 16 GB of storage, and can be paired with a smartphone to display information complementary such that, for a golfer for example, maps to visualize the distance which separates it from the green.

Sony plans to introduce its SmartEyeglass Attach to these 2015 which will be held in January. No details on the price or availability was provided.


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