Here's the ultimate solution for high temperature heat your Android spasm continuously

temperature heat your Android

Many of the Brotherhood of high grade their own smart phone operating system Android suffers heat, of course, it comes to this combination of factors we have translated into two parts .. The first section is a special problem of Hardware and the second part is that the problem can be heaping on Alsovetoar also, Of course to avoid all situations that may cause you a high degree of problem we will complete your temperature explain it.
Here's the ultimate solution for your Android a high degree of temperature and continuously Chnjh

Hardware problem

temperature heat your Android spasm continuously

Of course here we will not talk about the machine inside, but rather we mean by telephone or named by the device Cover your cap because the latter closes Almnavd and openings that pass to the device and enter his ventilation of course beautiful .. of course will not feel high degree Phone heat in the winter time or winter that is, when the weather is cold climate is will affect on the phone and makes a temperature Mnkhvzh and this is great for the phone, on the contrary, in hot weather, this is causing a big problem for the phone and gets hot and becomes very slow so we advise you to remove the phone's cover to provide some Mnavd ventilation for your phone.

Problem Alsovetoar

temperature heat your Android spasm continuously

For the problem Alsovetoar it is associated with a number of open or applications that operate in the background of the system (talking about the Android system, of course) and this purpose we suggest you this application 'Android Fast cooling' which you'll find loaded bottom of the video that you download and link then Shahu feel Balan phone has become slow and its temperature is too high you open the application and the self-steps in the following video:

Link load the application: Android Fast cooling


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