Trick: send this message to anyone iPhone will close his cell phone immediately

Trick: send this message to anyone iPhone will close his cell phone

Since the nearly two months appeared glitch on the iPhone phones allow you after sending a text message sms to any phone for a friend, for example, and upon receipt of this letter will be closed his phone directly and restarted, and this imbalance still exists Alyalhatv which is still working versions before ios 9, and you can fool their friends and bothered through the closure of their phone if they are iPhone users.
This will send the message that will include a small code includes some phrases in English and Arabic and is on this form:

Power for Sbllsberr ॣ ॣ h ॣ ॣ 冗

After you copy this code, just send it to Avon anyone phone in the message, and will restart the phone as if he is doing so, and if someone or a friend is near you, you can note it on your own, you can also experience this trick if you are available on two phones, provided as I mentioned in the first that does not work Akunan ios 9 new pal.


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