How do you build a successful and strong site

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you, many of you wonder how my son, my, how my son a successful and strong site competes with global positioning and famous, 

most of the people they would not have to be famous and successful site and are investigating from which the profits, but it's beginning to be a very difficult and this is normal because it is impossible to establish the site in a matter of days becomes global positioning and verifiable profit,

 it requires patience and effort and this is what is by most people, that is, they grow up the site and want to realize profits quickly so creaky and fail in the end, so in this post I will explain to you the most important ways and the means by which your site will be successful and compete with global positioning.
How do you build a successful and strong site

1. Search Engines: one of the most important things that help the success of the site and publicity, because it is through the search engines will come to your site thousands of visitors and those visitors will become Mtabao Code, 

now you are How can I make my first results for the search engines, there are steps that, if taken by will be the site of the first results of search engines, the most important of these steps are to be topics your site are all exclusive and 

your writing and your thoughts and not stolen and may be transferred idea from other sites, but must be re-written your way and your style, the second step you should respect the Sioux laws when new threads forums and not to violate them in order to be likable in the search engines, the third step, 

which is that the scope of your site is suitable for topics that published it, the fourth step you should when you type any subject can put keywords are the most famous when you search, the fifth step can choose the subject of name be striking and attractive, such as: exclusive, free, officially ... etc.

2. Alsocheal media or social networking sites: These sites are the most important sites brought visitors to your site, then you must create a special page on your site to all social networking sites popular such as: Facebook, Twitter, Anstagram, and others. For example, if you have a page for your website on Facebook by 5000 fan and on Twitter as well, let's calculate, for example, 

if the subject is in your site posted on your page and entered to him a thousand people through Facebook and a thousand people through Twitter and a thousand people through Alanstagram, here have earned three thousand visitors and these visitors will become Mtabao of the site. 

3. archive of topics: from the most important things that bring visitors to your blog for you from when you archive all topics forums, 

will become one of the first results of the search engines, and archive topics are: that the archive any content published on your site to become the first in the search engines, and those who wonder How do you archive placements my Internet search on the subject. 

4. Pac-Link strong: it is to be your buck Link strong and this gives you a lot of benefits from the most important reduction in your site's ranking in Alesca, and other benefits it offers your site in the search results thus increasing visitors to your site, 

and also makes your site a strong and increased people's confidence in your site if Buck had a strong link, and anyone who does not know what is Allback Link 

Allback Link: is that you publish your site in sites and other blogs and whenever your site is present in other locations whenever Allback your Linksys force increased to yours, if Allback Link strong is essential for the success of your site, then how is doing a buck-Link, there are a lot of ways the most famous that is doing an ad exchanges, another way, there are many sites that you can deploy your posts, such as site "proved" the Arab. 

5. same site content: should be the content of your site or type your site that fit with your hobby because it will encourage you to blogging and writing constantly, for example, if you love sports, do sports site, and so on, and should also be the site's content had shown exclusively because it will bring a lot of Visitors, and the most important thing to have credibility in the site's content. 

6. Other things in the same location: and these things lies in your site itself, for example, you must interact with those who follow the site and to respond to their inquiries constantly, 

because you are by responding to inquiries followers then will increase trust between you and them and Sadamon to visit your site, anything else your site should be simple and quick response, it is most important reasons for the escape of visitors is slow site or the large number of ads that do,

 something else you should not put a lot of shortcut links filled with ads because they evade visitors of the site, and here I do not say that do not put a brief Links You just do not put a link I advise you to put more than a link.


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