Warning for users of uTorrent tool is ttbithha without the user's knowledge and has damaged your

Important warning to users of torrent! Or rather all of the install or update software BitTorent on his computer, and be careful where you install tool currency bitcoin "mining" Software "with Mining BITCOIN without the user's knowledge.

It is difficult for users of service "torrent" to know that this tool is installed on their computers, lkenm complain frequently because of their slow first so this code "albrosisir" CPU consumption while the computer idle or not run hard but is slow, and there is no doubt that the damage negative impact on user devices especially it used to earn money by uTorrent.

But how bettbith this tool the user without his knowledge?

In fact this tool known as Bitcoin Mining Software by that name does not appear in the ttbith program "bitcoin" Unfortunately appear as another Epic Scale. Is also for uTorrent and fancy user as one integrated tools in the program, where the first word is in the installation interface this tool is: "we believe in making the world a better place."

A broadcast confidence in users and agree and are pushing Next...Next...Next...Is the installation program that has this tool which has negative effects on their computers as we pointed out some problems that the user finds on his computer.

And uTorrent is known material returns through an Epic Scale, but the inauguration of this code such as rake among users who have filed several complaints against uTorrent remains the greatest percentage of users did not know of the existence of this tool in silence..And their suffering in silence.. !!

And can you understand me that BitTorrent client is uTorrent which is visited by more than 150 million active users per month, and can you imagine, for example, if 5 percent only of the installation or updating to the new version, how many financial income earned during one day.

And formed the basis for agreed public users to integrate this tool Bitcoin Mining Software is illegal it is silently and use another name with the cheat is used during altubes. Everything comes tsvid from uTorrent on your user account and at the expense of slow computer and other problems that plague.


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