How to delete virus shortcut files from your computer easily

There are many users exposed to the virus converts files to the shortcut links, khsosa in the last period where there is a fairly good number of members they correspond with me to seek a solution to this problem that could be solved very simple only by use of the following programs and God willing stkhedv the dreaded virus from your system.

Steps for deleting a shortcut files:

Enough first to delete this virus to use anti virus avast software Avast as well that this kind of virus experience, enough to delete the anti virus used by now with the free version of Avast is then updated

Anti virus and this is an important step before action wipe scaning of your computer.

After you complete this step you will notice that the program may find a significant number of virus, delete them all then go to step 2.

The second step:
Malwarebyte program (free edition) may not be enough in some cases to delete all virus present in the computer that will serve as his last respect the malwarebyte computer after scanning with avast program. As the avast program download and update software before using it after this delete the virus and reboot the computer. Where will overcome this virus without a doubt.


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