A team of Saarland University computer scientists in Germany have developed a new technique that could in the future allow anyone to print customized and flexible touch screens, with a simple inkjet printer. Of all sizes, all shapes and different materials.

Thanks to a special ink compatible inkjet printers ink public, this technology allows "printing" electroluminescent film a tenth of a millimeter thick. The size and shape of the screen can be customized through software such as Microsoft Word or Powerpoint. The screen lights up as soon as it is powered by electricity.

Do not expect to print your next TV 50 ", it is currently printing luminescent screens completely custom shapes. A transfer step and some electronic concepts are also required ...

According to the researchers, print at home an electroluminescent screen the size of an A4 sheet of paper, would cost only 20 euros. The manufacturing process also work on wooden bases, metal or plastic.

The inventors of this technology are considering a multitude of applications. One example would integrate this type of custom screen in all kinds of personal items: watches, jewelry, furniture or clothing. For example, it is possible to integrate its visual notification system tailor-made in the leaves of a green plant or the strap of his watch. When you receive a call or message, the screen lights up.

By combining this technique with touch sensors and 3D printing, one could create objects emitting in three dimensions that would be able to view information and react to touch.

More information on the manufacturing process in the video below:

This new technology will be presented at CeBit 2015 will take place from March 16 to 20 in Hannover, Germany.


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