Strange dress that created a buzz on social networking sites and baffled everyone, what a curious?

This created a sensation and I talked about many of the sites and pages on social networking sites including cnn site and other famous sites on the Internet. Strange dress, some say black and blue, and some see that gold and white.
Strange dress that created a buzz on social networking sites and baffled everyone, what a curious?

One of the sites of action of a referendum on this alamrokant the result as follows:
167,000 say Golden and white
55 a say black and blue

And because of the different views regarding the color of this dress, some sites in a study on this matter to understand why some see it differently. a means of finding the answer is Photoshop, and image search engine at Google.

Use color selection tool alftoshob program shows that the color of the dress include blue in varying degrees, as well as the Google search engine for images showed the picture dominated by blue and black!

The logical explanation for this is that our brains find it difficult to distinguish between the colors of the lights falling on the dress and the reflected colors about. so people who see gold and white are their brains to compensate the low color image to see the white and gold.
The real color of the dress is blue and black.

Personally I see a golden color and white, what is the color that you see are you?


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