Twitter: automatic translations

The social network Twitter now offers the translation of tweets following a partnership with Bing Translator.

The social network Twitter is part of the leaders. There are today more than 284 million active users around the world. Always growing, the network must, however, remain attractive to new competitors.
To do this, Twitter improves its service. A few days ago, the network announced a new feature. It provides a summary of the tweets published during the absence of the user. They are selected according to their relevance and not the timeline.

While this new feature is being rolled out, Twitter offers another.
Indeed, the social network now features an automatic translation of these tweets in the news feed. This translation is possible through the establishment of a partnership with Microsoft Bing Translator.
Take advantage of this new tool, to go to "settings" of the account and check the "Translation of the Tweet" located under "content". To view the translation of a tweet, simply click on the icon at the top right of the text and globe-shaped.

This new feature is useful. However, it might be often useless, because Twitter users do not always respect the linguistic rules, being limited by 140 characters!


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