Mozilla launches Firefox browser, version 35

As expected Mozilla Foundation launched the new version of the Firefox browser and no. 35, the new version in competition with the Google chrome browser and will come with a number of features, functions and eagerly awaited by users of the Firefox browser.

Mozilla finally released the final version and no. 35 for the browser Firefox, and also has been detected in the past, the new version will come with a number of new features, including the "Hello Firefox" based on WebRTC programming and interface that will enable users of browser connections to the audio and image in real time without additives and without login.

In addition come the new version of the Firefox browser with the "Share" feature that will enable users to easily share specific content on Web pages on social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter ...)The browser will integrate the beta version of Firefox store Marketplace and will support the H.264 video format for OS X.

And to download the new version proposes you TECH INFO Site Web to do so via the following links:


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