To choose between the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 more, take the iPhone 6 more!

his year, the Cupertino firm breaks with the tradition of the single smartphone by proposing two new devices with two different sizes, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Therefore, choose and 6 more seems the best choice...

It is in any case think Jay Yarow from Business Insider. With its 5.5 inches (compared to 'only' a 4.7-inch for 6), his superior camera and its better battery life, iPhone 6 seems to have what it takes, let alone compared to the best device of its previous range, iPhone 5 s and its screen 4 inches.

Who says said choice doubt, and to put it simply, according to our American colleague, the bigger is better. In the same way that a TV is never too big - I cannot contradict-, that might be true also for a smartphone. Jay Yarow ordered an iPhone 6 more the day of its release, fell literally in love, even up to resell its mini iPad in the wake.

Finally, the only brake on the adoption of this iPhone 6 is its 5.5-inch screen. It must be said that move from 4 to 5.5 inches a what scare. And logically, the first day, the situation is delicate. However, after a few days, we completely forget its large size and it remains overwhelmed by all this new space offered. And Yes, it will not fit into any pocket, but in most, it will remain protected.

Besides the large size of its screen, the iPhone 6 enjoys large autonomy: 48 hours on a full charge with light use and 36 in intensive - with the mode "not bother" enabled that said-

The conclusion of Jay Yarow is therefore as follows: the iPhone 6 is a very good phone, and all will be well with him, if you decide to buy it. But the iPhone 6 is best yet and you only happier.


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