Test: LG G Watch R

These last 12 months have seen the emergence of the connected watch, new high-tech accessory that for the moment, is struggling to find its audience. And yet, manufacturers intensify their efforts to seduce crowds, reflecting endless on new formats. Square, curved screen, electronic, or round ink, the object comes to will, or nearly so, and becomes, whatever anyone says, more and more sexy.

After Motorola and its 360 motorcycle very interesting, but not yet perfect, it is the turn of LG to offer a smartwatch\r to circular screen. Taking over of a G Watch enough any G Watch R hits with at the outset by its '' real watch '' appearance By far, the illusion is indeed almost total.

Closely, however, it disillusioned a bit. The Korean manufacturer has opted for a circular dial topped crans and figures, history of a little more credibility the object. Unfortunately, this plastic strapping has definitely a side 'plastic cheap', which does not give the watch the side 'premium', it deserves. On the side, the button is also plastic, but seems very solid and remains pleasant to handle. As on the motorcycle 360, latter serves to turn on the watch and, via a long to go directly in the settings.

Let's look at a little more closely the bracelet, which has the merit to be manufactured in a good quality leather. Very pleasant to the touch, it is also flexible and strong, all remaining ideal soberly.

Overall, design side, and except for the 'plastic' look a little disappointing, G Watch R is therefore a quality product, in any case well above the previous G Watch. Remains to be seen if it is sexier than the 360 motorcycle. On this point, it is a matter of taste. A little less thick and imposing as the Motorola smarwtach, G Watch R on the other hand enjoys a less sloppy finish.

Once lit, the first good surprise comes from the absence of black bar at the bottom of the screen, a detail that had largely spoil the motorcycle 360 views. Round plate P-1.3 inch OLED offers a definition of 320 x 320 pixels, which is ample for accurate and enjoyable reading. Adjustable to level 5, the brightness appeared us very good, time remaining legible even in direct sunlight. Another success: when the watch goes into standby mode, the needles are constantly displayed and very slightly informed, which is admittedly perhaps not very good for the battery, but lets keep an eye on the time. Colors are very bright and well pronounced contrasts. Overall, it is at the same level of quality as on the 360 motorcycle.

Side features, there are certification IP67, with water, sand and dust, a pedometer and a heart sensor resistance. It is shown to be rather fast and accurate, and probably more effective than its competitor of Motorola.

The Android now strong classic wear

Finally, on the side of OS, we new right to Android Wear. It is therefore no surprise that we find a system of dynamic notifications, navigation by scanning from top to bottom and from left to right, as well as Google Now voice commands, which appear to be more powerful and effective. The OS is fluid, reactive, and no slowdown has been regrettable during these few days of practice.

You will be also surprised to learn that the autonomy of the G Watch R does not exceed the day and a half during use 'classic', i.e. with a regular consultation of the screen. By being little greedy, and by lowering the brightness (and with the wind at your back), it is however possible to reach two days, but no more. We are in the middle of the last connected watches available on the market, average which seems still too low.

In the end, the LG G Watch R clearly has good arguments to assert. If her look is not perfect and that it had preferred the presence of noble materials, it it recognizes all the same a certain class. Its round screen is bright and responsive, the leather strap is of quality, while the OS is very nice to use. Versus a motorcycle 360? Honestly, it is difficult to decide between the two products. Watch Motorola enjoys a superb finish and remains a hair better designed, but that LG has the merit of not to suffer an ugly black bar at the bottom of the screen. Autonomy is more or less the same, and the strictly identical bone. You everlastingly between these two models? Sorry, it does no more advanced you...

A nice evolution

Much more sexy and interesting than the first G Watch, G Watch R is, to this day, one of the most successful connected under Android Wear watches. The circular screen made many, like his quality leather bracelet. It is a pity nonetheless the pervasiveness of plastic and battery life even once too just (but not worse than competitors). In short, with the 360 Motorola Moto, G Watch R certainly is the best smartwatch\r of the market. But to the speed at which are manufacturers, there is no doubt that it will be distanced in the coming months.


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