How to make a USB key used becomes as new aisbi key not used by

USB key was stored many of our secret files and even after deleting or frmettha, there is retrieval using some advanced software but also hardware.

 Therefore, when lending to a USB key to a friend or someone you are not sure of his intentions, even delete your files for as long as he could retrieve it. 

For this in this lesson I give you this explanation of how clear data from a USB key without possibility of recovery, it will become as a new USB key is not used, you can still follow this explanation that trying to recover files by using one of the programs and you will notice that you will not be able to do so.

And stir up conflict in the HDD LLF Low Level Format Tool which uses the Low level format for frmetth key, just download it from the bottom of the post, 
then run it and choose the continue for free to continue service.

Then choose a USB key that you want to work it frmetth slow and click on continue.

Then choose the option of low-level format and click format this Device and wait until the program finishes

And congrats on you became a USB key as if purchased new. Then try using any program to retrieve files, you'll find it will not retrieve sensitive files


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