The smartwatches in the heart of the next copyright battle?

mong all the connected objects that land currently on the market, manufacturers seem to rely greatly on the Smartwatches. And, logically, as with all electronic object arises the question of copyright and other patents. These watches new generation could soon find themselves in the heart of a major legal battle...

According to TorrentFreak, many watchmakers have begun to transmit orders of prohibition of publication of some digital watches designs that do are pale copies of real designs. Round smartwatches, as the bike 360 and LG G Watch R, are obviously at the centre of attention...

For the time being, the aesthetics of the smartwatches still leaves to be desired, it should take into account that it is here that the first generation of devices. (Very) soon, they will be more comfortable to wear, look, and more efficient, the Queens of the 'classic' watchmaking brands would wrong to not bother.

We introduced recently some of the most beautiful creations to customize your watch. The FaceRepo site is specialized and he admits receive still more orders of withdrawal of certain files, orders to which site folds willingly, but Internet being what it is, piracy and counterfeiting unfortunately go hand in hand with the digital switchover... Watches should not escape.


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