Gizcussion: are the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One Wii U the latest game consoles?

While Sony and Microsoft are working to reassure gamers who have doubts about the possibility for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One to follow the PC format within a few years - in terms of graphics-, it cannot help to evoke a future where game consoles would really have reason to be.

And it is all the more topical that if one pays attention, we realize not only that the architecture of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 is similar (identical?) to that of a PC, but also that the functions offered by the two consoles, in outside of the pure game, mimic those found on an Apple TV, on a banal TV decoder. All for a price premium for a catalog of game still relatively small. Much more than future Steam Machines - the bikes almost noname-, which will come also fit under your TV, while taking advantage of the power of the Steam platform...

From there, that could push Sony, Microsoft, and even Nintendo, to invest in a new console, a PlayStation 5, a Two Xbox, a Wii V, which would require millions of dollars in design, manufacturing, marketing, rather than opt for a banal housing that would play the game of cloud, damn reducing costs, while impacting the minima gamer?

In your opinion, is the hypothesis plausible?


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