Apple Watch: the original functionality detailed

Apple Watch unfolds gradually. After the design in September, the firm now details its original functions.

"One more thing" of the conference during which Apple unveiled the iPhone 6, Apple Watch had been presented in the main lines until today. Last major to launch on the market of the connected watch players Apple was primarily focused on the design of its"timepiece" to stand out.

It's that Apple Watch is not really distinct from existing connected watches functionally. This is what confirms the features page of topic Watch of Apple, update today's Internet site which details the original functions:

   * Naturally the Apple Watch gives the time, when we wake up (and not always), it incorporates              many dials. It also incorporates a stopwatch, a timer, an alarm and different time zones, what is          not  given to all connected watches.

   * It relays the main notifiers: calls, messages, and emails. You can answer the phone, thanks to the          speaker and the microphone, you can also enter text by voice recognition, pre-defined messages,        or predictive keyboard (Word for Word). There are a few trivia such as the Digital Touch of                ephemeral drawing function or the Heartbeat of transmission of the pulse function.

   * It can remotely control the music from an iPhone application, an Apple TV and iTunes on a                  computer. It can also trigger the camera of the iPhone remote and control framework.

   * Other functions of origin of iOS have been transposed for the miniature Apple Watch screen: in            particular Siri and calendar applications, Plans, weather, Photos, Passbook and scholarship.

   *But the most striking features of the Apple Watch are probably activity and training, autonomous          measurement for the daily and sports apps.

Certainly the ergonomics and interface are potentially more worked than in the competition, but Apple Watch is not revolutionizing the genre, like the iPod, iPhone and iPad were able to do in their time.

Apple follows the trend, and does it well. The Watch will no doubt draw his pin of the game with third-party applications of quality to which the iOS developer accustomed us. As such she has much chance of taking off the connected watch market. But with a more gradual than ever launch, we understand that Apple works particularly its communication around this product.


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