7 reasons why Linux servers over Windows

Today Linux is in the myriad of devices all around us, but perhaps sooner than we think. Even if you don't use any of these devices, simply when you open a Web page you already use Linux. The reason? Linux became the most widely used operating system on servers, but this is not by chance. For this let us look at the main advantages that make it the number one in this area.
7 reasons why Linux servers over Windows

* Stability
No one doubted the stability of Linux, especially when knows very well that a typical installation can run for years without collapsing. Linux handles large volumes of operations is much better than Windows, which requires a restart before the new changes or after system updates. The Windows from time to time requires user intervention to defragment the hard disk, clean the registry, install the application or any other tool to restore some of the flexibility of the system. In Linux.

* Security
No system is immune to attacks, but the speed of response and the number of people who can check these security threats this definitely makes a difference. Microsoft slowly more interaction with security holes in the Windows operating system and this leaves systems vulnerable to hacking. While the Linux community will respond much faster in such situations thanks to the source code is available to everyone, and everyone has the knowledge to correct these vulnerabilities and updates available to users immediately. it should also be noted that Linux is less susceptible to such security problems and malware.

* Application management
Linux distributions using depots and apply policies for quality control and security to ensure the safety and health of the installed packages. And not just about safety, but also the issue of portability to use because all you need is in one place.

* Flexibility
Linux installation can be modified as necessary. It is common not to install the GUI to avoid wasting RAM, choose file system optimization according to the needs of the service or create an application for adjustment and fit with our system. You can configure and modify Linux to include only basic services to suit your needs to optimize the use of resources.

* Costs
Linux is the undisputed king of costs and can hardly be without cost. Even with corporate supported versions, they are cheaper than Windows or Mac software. Because most of the software used in Linux is a free, open source, you'll need the money to buy expensive software licenses or additional extensions to add new functionality in Windows or Mac.

* Strong community
The power of Linux has a large community of developers around the world. This joint effort allows the most famous distributions make a copy or new updates every 6 months, this does not occur in other systems!

* Freedom
Maybe this feature may be the most important philosophies of all other advantages, with Linux will be free to use, modify and compile the system however you like to meet your needs. Unlike Windows, you are obliged by law to respect the property rights if you can access the source code to regime:) This is impossible, of course.


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