Did you know that Google records all visited sites and research that you have made in your account on algemayel? Quickly learn how to prevent this from happening in your account

When they emploied you for the Google search engine and good mail account is open, the latter shall record all my research in search engine or even visited sites and in case if the malicious spyware on your email can be retrieved all the sites that search and I visited for years! In this post I will explain you how to prevent this happening in your account on Google
First thing login via email which used to subsequently enter this link: google history

Now try to enter to the recent activity will find it shows many research sites that you've visited your posted in Google search engine

In order to delete your account before you disable registration of research by your account enter the link google history is then click on delete all you click again to turn off in order to disable the property, protect your account!
Thus, I'm done and can prevent your account on algemayel to register all of my research fimhark search Google but also visited sites as you browse


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